Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Top 3 Girls Who Should Date Me Right Now

Ah, spring has sprung and you know what? Love is in the air. Well, I guess for some people yeah, for me, not so much. I'm looking to change that, so here is my plea to you people of the internet. Everybody out there has their dream girl, but I understand that the odds of dating any of these girls might be a little rough so that's why I've provided you with three. Tripled the odds, no? So here are my top 3 girls who need to date me (in no particular order). People of the internet, it is your mission to bring us together. You know where to find me.

3. Lights
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Lights might be the trickiest one on this list. At age 22, we have the biggest age difference. She's also comes from this foreign land called Canada. But isn't it the differences that make relationships so interesting to begin with? I can dig her music and damn, maybe I would even direct her future music videos until we (she) takes over the music industry. Not only is she quite gorgeous, but she seems pretty down to earth and somewhat interesting from what I've seen of her. Nothing like a cute girl that I could actually carry on a conversation with.

2. Hayden Panettiere
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Hayden Hayden Hayden. Honestly, I don't know what to really say about you. No, I am not one of the countless nerds who worship you because of Heroes. I think I saw you in some ice skating movie. You are the only reason I manged to tolerate Bring it On: All or Nothing... a dozen or so times. I'm sorry, it sounds like I'm trashing your filmography. Let's start over. Hi I'm Greg. I think you have one of the best smiles I've ever seen and I hope to someday be the person who puts that smile on your face everyday. Okay, that just came off as creepy. Just, uh, ah, screw it.

1. Shenae Grimes
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Yet another Canadian (come on U.S.A., where you at?). I'm not going to even act like I know much about you either, Shenae. I will fess up, I watched you on Degrassi. I haven't really followed you over to 90210. Sorry, don't hold it against me. Maybe we could hit the beach sometime?

There you have it internet. I know somebody out there knows at least one of these girls. Vouch for me. You know I'm a good guy. I'll be waiting for the flood of responses. Until then, check back often to see what other words I decide to write.

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